Life was never meant to be plain sailing, but right now it seems that the tides are getting stronger and the waves ever wilder.
Raft was born out of both personal and professional knowledge and experience. We are here to support you wherever you may be in your relationship with alcohol.
Alcohol is often seen as the “quick fix” solution to easing the pressures of life. “One glass” or a “quick pint” to “take the edge off“.
You know the rest. We’ve all been there and it can be hard to know when it’s time to ask for help.
With experience in the NHS and valuable counselling expertise with mental health charities and higher education, Jane, Founder of Raft, has deep knowledge of counselling.
Not only is Jane a registered counsellor/therapist, she has now added the strings of Coaching to her bow.
Having trained with Andy Ramage, author, founder of the ‘Dryy’ app and widely recognised as the ‘Godfather of the alcohol free space’, Jane gained the ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited diploma in Positive Psychology.
This puts Jane in the incredible position of being able to provide Therapeutic Coaching, by blending exactly what you need from Counselling and Coaching in your personal struggle with alcohol.
Whether you are seeking life changing counselling or are a “grey area”/ “middle lane” drinker who recognises that in order to fulfil your potential you need to address the alcohol first, Raft has the solution for you.
If you are a ‘middle lane’ or ‘grey area’ drinker you’ll be pleased to know that Raft Coaching was created with you in mind. Jane is perfectly placed to help you transform your relationship with alcohol.
Engage with Raft Coaching and move from just functioning ‘okay’ to actually fulfilling your potential.
If you are truly seeking personal growth and development, action oriented coaching from Jane will guide you towards your goals.
Benefit from setting achievable goals that ensure rapid and enjoyable progress. By focusing on where you are now and where you want to get to Jane will create a roadmap for you to attain the life you truly deserve. By being fully immersed in the strategy building process you will be further empowering yourself to achieve those goals.
By harnessing Jane’s professional and personal experiences and strengths, you will be set to embark upon a transformational journey.
An adventure that will see you enjoying positive shifts in many aspects of your life. From improving career prospects, better relationships and stress management to the most important win of all – a better understanding of and relationship with yourself.
Get on board with Raft and overcome those self limiting beliefs that have prevented you from fulfilling your potential.
Are you ready to find out what you are truly capable of?
Click on the link and begin your journey of self discovery with Raft.
Whatever reasons have brought you here seeking counselling, you’ve come to the right place.
Raft utilises Jane’s vast experience, both professional and personal.
A qualified counsellor with a background in the NHS, who has also worked for several mental health charities and in higher education.
If alcohol has become too prominent in your life and has taken hold, Jane has the deep knowledge and expertise required to guide you back to a better place. A safer and happier place.
Discover and unravel your true relationship with alcohol in a safe space where you will process and heal. With Jane’s help, develop a clear understanding of your emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
By deciphering the underlying issues behind your drinking, you will reveal and address the factors that have been holding you back in life. Take back control, improve your relationships and finally regain your own sense of self-worth.
Work with Jane to break free from old controlling thoughts. Replace these self limiting beliefs with new empowering ones. Learn the skills to create the space for these new positive beliefs. Get comfortable with them and enjoy a life where they become the norm.
Raft will equip you with the tools to create headspace and lead a wonderful, more expansive life.
Are you ready to embark on a life-changing path of self discovery?
Click the link link below to get onboard with Raft and begin a journey of healing and positive change.